2022: Year in Review

2022 was the year when Rotterdam opened up again to businesses and visitors from around the world and to the return of live congresses and events. After challenging years with many constraints, the city rapidly returned to being its bustling, entrepreneurial and future focused self.

Over the last 12 months, Rotterdam welcomed new international companies, eager to start and expand their business in Rotterdam and to join existing networks and collaborations, working on solutions for global transitional challenges. Businesses in our urban region once again reached out to international markets, seeking expansion and the exchange of knowledge. Several large international congresses and business events either returned to our city, or were organised here for the first time. In short, 2022 was a very exciting year with many highlights. We are happy to revisit some of these with you here.

New in Town

Quite a number of international businesses, representing different key industries, such as Energy, IT & Tech, Maritime opened the doors to their new offices and production facilities in Rotterdam this year. They were warmly welcomed to our city and into our ecosystem during the annual Red Carpet Dinner. Among the ‘new arrivals’ of 2022 were Ochama, Schuberg Philis, iBanFirst, FinPay, S2 Grupo, Bright Marbles, BioTisk and Performance Rotors.

Rotterdam focuses on important transitions in areas such as sustainability, digitalisation and circularity. Rotterdam faces major challenges in these areas. One of the key objectives is to be completely climate-neutral by 2050. Attracting foreign companies that contribute to this with knowledge, skills, investments and jobs is a valuable way to meet the city’s transition goals. The opening of Platform Zero’s first Climate Campus in Rotterdam’s M4H district in November tied in perfectly with Rotterdam’s ambitions and efforts relating in the field of energy transition and climate adaptation.

Trade Missions

Business related events of a different kind included incoming and outgoing trade missions and related programs, such as several trips to Latin America (Brazil, Chile), the Smart Industry Globaliser, an agri-food and horticulture mission to Expo 2022 in Dubai, a joint mission with Port of Rotterdam, City of Rotterdam and Erasmus University Rotterdam to Singapore (including a visit to the World Cities Summit), visiting the Smart City Expo in Barcelona as part of an innovation tour, and exploring and accelerating business opportunities in the energy transition during a mission to Houston, USA.

And then there were some very special events that Rotterdam Partners (co-)organised in 2022. Two highlights were the annual Red Carpet Dinner, welcoming newly arrived international companies to our city, and our Partner Event, an opportunity for our local partners to meet each other once again, network and share ideas and insights.



Looking forward to 2023

Rotterdam Partners is eagerly looking forward to the new year, in which we will continue working on the challenges Rotterdam faces, together with our partners in and around the city. We are very much looking forward to meeting you again in 2023. Let’s make it happen!

Get in touch with us

If you want to know more about any of the above developments or projects, or if you want to explore possibilities in Rotterdam for your business, congress, event, or travel trade options:

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