ILTS and ESPCI congresses create impact through Rotterdam Collaboration For Change


The Rotterdam Collaboration For Change aims to align the mission of event organisers & associations with Rotterdam’s ambitions. It's an easy and pragmatic approach to make an impact through true collaboration. In 2023, several congresses that were organised in Rotterdam, included a legacy component through this framework.

ILTS: engaging the next generation on the topic of organ donation

The International Liver Transplant Society (ILTS) held its annual congress at De Doelen ICC, Rotterdam, in May 2023. Working with the Erasmus MC Transplant Institute, the organisers set out to engage the next generation of Rotterdammers on the topic of organ donations. They arranged for transplant patients to give a series of lectures at a number of high schools in Rotterdam.

The students then discussed the lectures in their biology, social sciences and philosophy classes. After which, they competed against the other high schools in a debate on the topic in front of a panel of medical, ethical and legal experts. As well as raising awareness of the clinical need for organ donations, the ILTS 2023 Legacy Project helped bring home what it means to patients.

Watch the ILTS legacy video:

ESPCI: offsetting CO2 emissions and improving the life of deaf children in Rotterdam

The European Society for Paediatric Cochlear Implants (ESPCI) held its annual congress at De Doelen ICC, Rotterdam, in early June 2023. The organisers were keen not only to offset the CO2 emissions associated with international travel but also to improve the lives of deaf children in Rotterdam. We connected them with three schools in Rotterdam-West to run a special greening project in their playgrounds, funded by an optional €10 donation from each of the congress delegates.

The projects included planting cherry and walnut trees in the playgrounds. This will help the schools provide more open-air teaching, including opportunities to discuss the project with pupils in nature lessons. By enhancing the visual environment, the organisers are improving the mental and physical well-being of children at our schools, particularly those who are deaf.  

Watch the ESPCI legacy video:

For more information about the Rotterdam Collaboration For Change framework, visit this page.


Header photo: still, taken from the ILTS legacy video.

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