About VKOZ events & communicatie
VKOZ events & communication is thé business event agency in Rotterdam. We organize business events for profit and non-profit organizations. We guide you step by step in organizing your business event to create an unforgettable moment!
We organize live, hybrid and online events. From surprising concept to carefree implementation, and everything around it. You can opt for a total approach, or deploy us where you need us. Whatever you choose, we will ensure that your event is profitable.
VKOZ believes in the power of co-creation, because together you achieve more than alone. With a transparent approach and more than 25 years of experience in the event industry, we unburden our customers and organize events of high quality and added value that achieve strategic goals and exceed expectations.
Because we know Rotterdam inside out, we help as a Professional Conference Organizer (PCO) foreign organizations to organize their business event in Rotterdam.
We get excited about brewing unique concepts together with our customers and partners. We do this from the monumental Heineken Building, a beautiful national monument on the water of the Crooswijksesingel in Rotterdam. Are you coming to visit? We will prepare the coffee and tea for you. Or a beer, all in style.
“For an unforgettable moment”