Week of the Circular Economy: BlueCity showcasing exciting developments from Rotterdam


Rotterdam is making strides towards realising a circular economy by 2030. Local government, companies, entrepreneurs and knowledge institutes all work together with the aim of creating a future where circularity and economic prosperity go hand in hand. During the annual Week of the Circular Economy (March 11-16) BlueCity, one of the main circularity hubs in the Rotterdam region, is packed with activities, highlighting best practices, exciting innovations and promising collaborations.

The Week of the Circular Economy is a yearly event, connecting and inspiring everybody who is active in, or has an interest in circularity. It’s a week full of talks, excursions, workshop and other events. In Rotterdam, BlueCity is the central hub for the Week of the Circular Economy, offering a special program based around the five essential ingredients for the circular economy: Space, Talent, Flows, Entrepreneurship and Collaboration. Every day one of these topics takes centre stage. Whether you are “Rotterdammert”, student or professional, the program in the Week of Circular Economy has something for everyone. Interested in participating in this event? For detailed information please check this webpage.

About BlueCity
BlueCity is a model city for the circular and blue economy and home to some 55 entrepreneurs. It is a meeting place for pioneers and enterprising minds, where they develop a framework for action, whether to grow their impact, live a zero waste life, or develop a future-proof material. BlueCity’s mission is to accelerate the transition from the linear to the circular economy through entrepreneurship, with the blue economy as the dot on the horizon. As regional circularity hub, BlueCity also plays an important role in the local ecosystem, connecting companies, entrepreneurs, venues and accommodations with circular ambitions, sharing knowledge and insights and organising events, hackathons and special business programs, such as Hotel Neutraal, supporting hotels who want to become more sustainable, and Het Nieuwe Nassen, helping restaurants prepare for a circular future.


Header photo: Jacqueline Fuijckschot

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