Industry 4.0 Meets Dutch Makers Lunch on 13 April
04/03/18The Dutch Makers Revolution will host a special event about the future of global manufacturing industry on Friday the 13th of April in the Rotterdam Makers District. During the Makers Lunch a selected group of 50 leaders will share their thoughts on the opportunities and barriers of implementing Industry 4.0.
Special guest Professor Detlef Zühlke
Special guest is Professor Detlef Zühlke, father of the German Industry 4.0, who will give insights gained in the German industry. Zühlke talks furthermore about his vision for the future of the global manufacturing industry.
The program
Curious which key note speakers are present? Download the program.
Join this event
Anyone who is passionate about the manufacturing industry is welcome to join. Admission is free. Available seats are limited. Make sure to sign up by sending an email to: with the subject: Industry 4.0 meets Dutch Makers.
Industry 4.0 meets Dutch Makers is an initiative of:
Dutch Makers Revolution is proud of the Dutch manufacturing industry and is the premier personal network to accelerate innovation.
PQ+ is specialized in quality enhancement in the manufacturing industry and has offices in The Netherlands and Germany.
Rotterdam Makers District is the premier initiative for innovation in the manufacturing industry.