15th ESPO Conference Rotterdam: investing in the port of tomorrow


The 15th edition of the ESPO Conference is hosted by the Port of Rotterdam on May 31st and June 1st 2018 in the Onderzeebootloods in Rotterdam. It will focus on the main drivers for investing in the port of tomorrow. This edition will gather extra attention as the European Commission is due to adopt the Connecting Europe Facility proposal on the 29th of May, which is the key EU funding instrument for transport infrastructure. This ESPO conference is probably the first occasion to discuss this new proposal with the Commission, Members of the European Parliament, the TEN-T coordinators and the ports.

Inspiring speakers and high-level experts

As usual, the ESPO Conference is gathering an impressive line-up of high-level experts and inspiring speakers, who will set the scene for lively debates with different port authorities and EU policy makers.

More information

Are you interested in this event or do you want to have more information? Register on the website of ESPO or download the full program

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