Business Seminar Ukrainian Financial Insights


Do you want to get a better understanding of the financial transactions and possibilities between Ukraine and the Netherlands? Join the Business Seminar of Rotterdam Partners on March 12th at the Schielandshuis. Minister of Finance in Ukraine, Minister Danyliuk, will give a presentation about the current financial challenges for and in the coming future. Also Mr. Frank Heemskerk will give his view from a Worldbank perspective about the economic and financial development of Ukraine.

Ask financial related questions

On March 12th a DTA (Double Tax Agreement) will be signed in the Hague, making the Finance Minister Mr. Danyliuk travel to the Netherlands. During this Business Seminar you will be able to ask your financial related questions and you will get in touch with the Ministry of Ukraine and other Dutch organizations with the same interests as your company.

Ukraine: great business opportunities

Ukraine is a country with many opportunities and economics strengths which are not fully known to many in Europe. In 2017 Netherlands was the 4th largest Ukraine’s counterpart in the EU for trade in goods, and the 5th largest one for trade in services.

Concept program, 12 March 2018 in Rotterdam

13:30 – 14:00 hr  Walk in
14:00 – 14:05 hr  Warm welcome by Ms. Chantal Roest, Rotterdam Partners
14:05 – 14:25 hr  Bilateral trade relations between Ukraine and the   Netherlands from financial aspect by Mr. Frank   Heemskerk, World Bank Group (TBC)
14:25 – 14:45 hr  Future strategy for the coming 2/3 years, by Minster of   Finance, Minister Danyliuk
14:45 – 15:15 hr  Q&A session with Dutch businesses
15:15 – 16:00 hr  Networking reception
The venue of the conference is the Schielandshuis, address: Korte Hoogstraat 31, Rotterdam.

Join the Seminar

Are you interested to join this Seminar? Please register here

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