Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare: two new labs at Erasmus MC


Erasmus MC will be getting two new laboratories where artificial intelligence (AI) will be integrated into patient treatment and care.

A computer that helps the doctor decide. Futuristic for some, but in ten years, it may be reality. Philips Healthcare, General Electric Healthcare, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), and Erasmus MC will realize two AI labs with their funding and investment from NWO. For one of the two labs, Erasmus MC and Erasmus University Rotterdam will enter into a new partnership with Philips Healthcare. Together they will be looking to improve the patient journeys of patients suffering from a stroke. Eventually, this initiative will include other patient journeys by joining Convergence, a collaboration between the EUR, TU Delft and Erasmus MC. The second lab will be a collaboration with General Electric Healthcare, and will revolve around MRI examinations.

The two new labs at Erasmus MC are part of in total 17 new laboratories being set up by the ROBUST Consortium for the “Trustworthy AI systems for sustainable growth” program.

Read more in this article on the Amazing Erasmus website.

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