Clean technology is one of the primary economic sectors in the Rotterdam area. Companies big and small, research and knowledge institutions, and public-sector parties have struck structural partnerships in the CleanTech Delta project and the Rotterdam Climate Initiative, with a view to developing innovative, sustainable, and clean solutions to global problems. Rotterdam is a vibrant testing ground for the transition to a new and sustainable economy.

By using the city and its surrounding area, as well the various industries in and around the port and its industrial areas, as a testing ground, new technologies can be trialled in Rotterdam, and subsequently scaled up and taken to the market. Industry crossovers between industries such as life sciences & healthcare and food, for instance, offer important opportunities for clean technologies. Rotterdam is part of the CleanTech Delta and the Rotterdam Climate Initiative. The Rotterdam area is home to clean technology incubator Yes!Delft, which is a driving force behind many new and upcoming cleantech companies.

What we do for you?

Are you considering setting up or expanding a company in Rotterdam? In Rotterdam you will find the right knowledge, experience and expertise to make it a success. Rotterdam Partners International Trade & Investment supports and relieves you. Curious about our services? Check the overview.

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