Terms and conditions for using the Rotterdam Partners website.
1 Definitions
Visitor = a person who visits Rotterdam Partners website.
Information = details, information, materials, documents, files, etc. that are offered in the Rotterdam Partners website.
RP = Rotterdam Partners in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
RP website = the website of Rotterdam Partners, both in Dutch and in other languages, which includes all of the pages on the site.
Site Terms and Conditions = these Terms and Conditions, which apply to visits to the site.
2 Applicability
2.1 Visiting the website of Rotterdam Partners or using it in any other way establishes an agreement between the Visitor and Rotterdam Partners. These Site Terms and Conditions of ANVV are applicable to this agreement, with the express exclusion of any other terms and conditions.
2.2. The Visitor must accept these Site Terms and Conditions; if the Visitor refuses to accept these Site Terms and Conditions, the Visitor will not have the right to visit the Rotterdam Partners website or use it in any way.
2.3 Rotterdam Partners has the right to alter the Site Terms and Conditions unilaterally and without prior notification.
3 Ownership and user rights
3.1 All Information offered in the Rotterdam Partners website is and will remain the property of Rotterdam Partners or suppliers of Rotterdam Partners. The Information is protected by industrial and intellectual property rights (e.g. copyright) and the Visitor is expressly not entitled to process, reproduce, publish or in any other way infringe on the rights mentioned above.
3.2 The Visitor or a third party does not have the right – other than via a hyperlink – to create a link or gateway between the Rotterdam Partners website and any other website, search engine, metasearch engine or computer network of any form without prior written permission from Rotterdam Partners.
3.3 Rotterdam Partners is entitled at any time and without stating reasons to deny a party access to the Rotterdam Partners Site and to take the necessary technical measures to that end.
4 Liability
4.1 Rotterdam Partners does not accept any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the Information; in no way can Rotterdam Partners be held liable for inaccuracies, mistakes or lack of clarity.
4.2 The Visitor is completely responsible and liable for using the Information and the Visitor will himself/herself assess the correctness of the Information, should this be of importance to the Visitor.
4.3 Rotterdam Partners is never liable for any damage, of whatever nature, resulting from or in connection with use of the Information.
4.4. Rotterdam Partners does not accept liability for infringements of the rights of third parties resulting from the Information, nor does Rotterdam Partners indemnify the Visitor or third parties in this respect.
4.5 Rotterdam Partners is not liable in any way whatsoever for information, internet sites, etc. of third parties, even if these can be accessed via hyperlinks and suchlike on the Rotterdam Partners website.
4.6 If transactions between the Visitor and third parties are effected via the Rotterdam Partners website, Rotterdam Partners will in no way whatsoever be involved in such transactions. These Site Terms and Conditions do not apply to such transactions and Rotterdam Partners is in no way whatsoever liable or responsible for such transactions of the consequences thereof.
5 Applicable law and disputes
5.1 Every agreement between the Visitor and Rotterdam Partners will be governed exclusively by Dutch law. Disputes that cannot be settled amicably will be brought before the competent court in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
5.2 If it should appear that these Site Terms and Conditions are non-binding or annullable, the parties will be deemed to have agreed on such a provision, the meaning and effect of which are most in line with the dissolved or annulled section(s) of the Site Terms and Conditions, and which can neither justify dissolvement nor be annulled.
6 General terms and conditions of the VVV
General terms and conditions of the VVV apply to all services and products offered by Rotterdam Partners.